
Dear colleagues

Dear all

Thank you for visiting the website of the Research on Asian Psychotropic Prescription Patterns (REAP), the largest and longest running international collaboration in the field of psychiatry in Asia. Kobe University School of Medicine and Center for International Exchange in Medical Research organized an international symposium on neuropsychiatry in December 1999 in cooperation with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Singapore under the auspices of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). At the meeting, it was pointed out that psychotropic drug prescribing differed greatly among the participating Asian countries, and an international collaborative study on psychotropic drug prescribing for hospitalized schizophrenic patients in Asia was proposed.

An international collaborative study using a unified research protocol and questionnaire was conducted in 2001 in six countries: China, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore. Since then, nine international collaborative studies have been conducted from 2001 to the present: four studies on prescribing in hospitalized schizophrenic patients in Asian countries, and two studies on antidepressant prescribing. The 2016 survey of prescribing in schizophrenic patients included the above 10 countries plus Vietnam, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, for a total of 15 countries. A total of 15 countries participated. More than 60 psychiatric facilities that serve as centers for education and research in Asia participated.

In FY 2018, a survey on bipolar disorder was conducted. In addition, in 2019, a survey using case vignettes of schizophrenic patients was conducted among psychiatrists in 34 countries.
A third antidepressant prescribing survey will be conducted in 11 countries in 2023, and more than 5,000 prescriptions are currently being analyzed.

We would like to ask for your support and cooperation.
We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to the Asian researchers who have supported REAP to date.

Overall coordinators
Takahiro Kato (Fukuoka)
Shih-ku Lin (Taipei)

Naotaka Shinfuku (Kobe)
Tan Chay Hoon (Singapore)

November 2022



向精神薬処方に関するアジア共同研究 (Research on Asian psychotropic prescription pattern; REAP) のホームページをご覧いただき有難うございます。REAP は アジアの精神医学分野における最大・最長の国際共同研究です。 神戸大学医学部・医学研究国際交流センターは、日本学術振興会の支援の下でシンガポール大学医学部と協力して精神神経学分野の国際シンポジウムを1999年12月に開催しました。会議で、アジア参加国間で, 向精神薬処方が大きく異なることが指摘され、アジアでの入院統合失調患者への向精神薬処方に関する国際共同研究が提案されました。



また、今まで REAP を支えて頂いたアジアの研究者に深くお礼申し上げます。

2022年11月 REAPを代表して

Shi-ku Lin(台北)

Tan Chay Hoon(シンガポール)


本事業は、日本学術振興会二国間交流事業JPJSBP120248812 の助成を受けたものです。