Publications 2021
Nakagami, Y., Hayakawa, K., Horinouchi, T., Pereira-Sanchez, V., Tan, M., Park, S. C., Park, Y. C., Moon, S. W., Choi, T. Y., Avasthi, A., Grover, S., Kallivayalil, R. A., Rai, Y., Shalbafan, M., Chongsuksiri, P., Udomratn, P., Kathriarachchi, S. T., Xiang, Y. T., Sim, K., Javed, A., … Kato, T. A. (2021)
A Call for a Rational Polypharmacy Policy: International Insights From Psychiatrists
Psychiatry investigation, 18(11), 1058–1067 (2021 Nov)
Park, S-C., Kim, G-M., Kato, T.A., Chong, M-Y., Lin, S-K., Yang, S-Y., Avasthi, A., Grover, S., Kallivayalil, R.A., Xiang, Y-T., Chee, K.Y., Tanra, A.J., Tan, C.H., Sim, K., Sartorius, N., Shinfuku, N., Park, Y.C., Inada, T. (2021)
Dyskinesia Is Most Centrally Situated in an Estimated Network of Extrapyramidal Syndrome in Asian Patients with Schizophrenia: Findings from Research on Asian Psychotropic Prescription Patterns for Antipsychotics
Nordic J Psychiatry 2021; 75(1): 9-17